Lead Manager Training


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                        About Lead Manager Training                        

What I Do

Like many agents, you want to use Lead Manager to its fullest potential. I will help you do that by setting up your Lead Manager with my proven process that has helped my agency write more than $400k in New Business Premium every month. It has taken me months to dial in my Lead Manager Setup which I am extremely excited to offer you and your team.
In addition to setting up your Lead Manager and providing Live Large Group Training, I have provided several GREAT videos for continual training. New hires to the agency can simply log on and start learning Lead Manager and our Process for successfully managing their pipeline.

Setup (What's Included)

 We will work with you to setup the following in your Lead Manager:

  • Folders
  • Email Templates
  • Workflows
  • Quick Actions
  • Web Lead Distribution
  • Shark Tank
  • My Company Setting 

Continual Agent Training (What's Included)

Twice a month, Ryan will provide Agency Owner (1 hr) Accountability Training on the following:

  • Reports
  • LSP Calendars
  • Importing & Managing Leads
  • Folders
  • Quick Actions
  • Web Leads
  • Shark Tank Set Up & Management

Continual LSP Training (What's Included)

Twice a month, Ryan will provide Group LSP Training on the following:

  • Shark Tank (Sorting & Searching)
  • Workflows
  • Quick Actions
  • Folders
  • Custom Dispositions
  • Schedule (Appointments & Tasks)